The House Fairy is the brainchild of New York Times bestselling author Pam Young.
A stay-at-home mom of three, stepmother of two and grandmother of 12, Pam has enjoyed most of her life surrounded by happy children of all ages.
With a major in drama (not in college, but in life) Pam has always been able to see with the eyes of a child. Writing a shelf of “self-help” books to inspire disorganized moms, Pam’s focus has always been on solutions to the challenges mothers have in life.
As a reformed slob, she is co-author of the best-selling book, Sidetracked Home Executives: from Pigpen to Paradise, which has sold more than a million and a half copies. But don’t be too impressed by the number as Pam is positive 750,000 disorganized moms, bought it, lost it and had to buy it again. With that book, she and her sister became known as the “Slob Sisters” and appeared on Oprah, Live with Regis, The Today Show, CBS Morning Show, Donahue, Geraldo and many other popular television shows throughout the country.
Pam has spoken to thousands of groups from a small klatch of women in a church basement to Fortune Five Hundred companies like Standard Oil and General Mills. She toured the country on media tours for Proctor and Gamble and American Express teaching with humor and insight. Her practical steps to becoming more organized and having clean, cozy, peaceful and happy homes, have helped millions of women.
Pam and her husband Terry live in Woodland, Washington, high in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. Together, they created the House Fairy Program on video, in order to inspire and motivate children to keep their rooms clean and neat, have good manners, and help with the family chores. Pam’s hope is, “that we can help this next generation before they get homes of their own to trash, by letting the House Fairy inspire and motivate children and reinforce the desire of our magnificent moms to have happy, healthy, well-behaved children.”
More than 20,000 families celebrate the day they invited the House Fairy into their homes.
Sean’s loving mommy, Catherine
About The House Fairy
The House Fairy is the brainchild of New York Times bestselling author Pam Young. A stay-at-home mom of three, stepmother of two and grandmother of 12, Pam has enjoyed most of her life surrounded by happy children of all ages.
With a major in drama (not in college, but in life) Pam has always been able to see with the eyes of a child. Writing a shelf of “self-help” books to inspire disorganized moms, Pam’s focus has always been on solutions to the challenges mothers have in life.